You’ve written an amazing story, and now it’s time to release it to be enjoyed by as many people as possible! Let me help by designing a cover that will entice your potential readers.

A cover promises a good read.
You have 6 seconds or less to attract a potential reader. Think of your cover as a billboard trying to catch the attention of viewers as they speed by. The cover is where your relationship with a reader begins.

Think like a reader, not a writer.
Great covers make readers “feel” something rather than “tell” them something. A great cover expresses mood and isn’t too literal. Observe your own reading and buying habits. Study other covers in your genre with a similar tone.

Genre & tone dictate design.
More than the characters, a specific scene or the author’s personal tastes, it’s the genre and tone that dictate the colors, typestyles and imagery of a successful book cover. A great cover looks like it belongs with other bestsellers.
Style for your story,
designed by Mariah Sinclair
I've designed over 1500 book covers since 2016. Here are some of my favorites: